The Best Sources on Lactate in the World
The Secrets of Lactate Course

We have searched the world to try to find the best information on lactate and have included the most important ideas in an online course. The course has 16 chapters, 6 in-depth discussions on lactate testing and lactate metabolism. More is being added. Solve the Mystery Zone and avoid the Double Whammy.

Click the image to the left to go to the Lactate Course page.

Price - $20
Free with purchase of analyzer

Jan Olbrecht's Book on Training

In this book, Jan Olbrecht lays out his approach to training which emphasizes the training of the muscle's energy systems. This is the same approach he uses to advise such world class swimmers as Pieter van den Hoogenband, Inge de Bruijn, Marleen Veldhuis, Ranomi Kromowidjojo, Kyle Chalmers, Duncan Scott, Florent Manaudou, Arno Kamminga, Ferry Weertman, Erika Brown, Molly Hannis, Jordan Crooks, Daniel Wiffen, and David Popovici.

Also, Ironman world champion, Luc Van Lierde. Other triathletes are Kathleen Smet, Bart Aernouts, and Rutger Beke. Olympic gold-winning rowers Marit van Eupen and Kirsten van der Kolk, as well as runners Isaac Kimeli and Hugo Hay.

No training zones or heart rates because each athlete must have individual training based on their conditioning profile which includes how their energy systems will interact during training and competition. Jan uses an unique method of lactate testing to assess the athletes he advises because it is the only way he can get the necessary information to train them correctly. He is a maestro.

Click the image to the left to go to a discussion of Jan's book and his accomplishments.

Print price is $30 with any purchase of analyzer
Normal price $50
If you purchased an analyzer in last year it counts.

Accusport Workshop Report

When the Accusport was first introduced, some of the top experts on lactate in Europe were invited to a conference to present their ideas of how to use lactate testing and the Accusport portable lactate analyzer.

Click the image to the left to go to the table of contents of this book (14 separate articles).

No longer available

Peter Janssen's Book
Peter Janssen's original book was one of the few books published in the last 25 years that covered lactate testing . His original book, "Training Lactate Pulse Rate" was published by Polar and was primarily a book on how to use heart rate monitors for training. Despite the new book's title, this book is also a primer on how to use heart rate monitors for training.

Check Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Australian book on Testing The most successful sports program in the world tells you how they test their athletes. It covers the testing approaches in 17 different sports and includes chapters on lactate testing, blood handling, VO2 max assessment, strength and power testing, flexibility assessment, anthropometric testing and more. If you are serious about testing athletes then this is the book for you. Nearly 500 pages with hundreds of charts, tables and diagrams.

Check Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Our Assessment - We publish and distribute the "Secrets of Lactate" Course so naturally it is our favorite. Thus, for lactate testing it is the best source of information in the world.

For training, Jan Olbrecht's book is by the far the best book available as he introduces ideas you will not see in any other book on training. It is also the basis for a large part of our information on lactate testing. We have have found no one who understands the relationship between lactate testing and athletic performance better than Jan and as we said above we have searched the world. Jan is a maestro. The book is now available as an ebook.

Lactate Analyzer Information Home

Training and Testing Literature

Secrets of Lactate Course | The Science of Winning by Jan Olbrecht

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Last update July 16, 2024 All contents © Sports Resource Group, Inc.