Website Organization
Home: Starting page for this website
About: Current Page. Briefly describes each part of this website and provides some background on Sports Resource Group, the owner's of the site.
Definition: This part of the website discusses all the different definitions of the lactate treshold and the controversy over just what the concept means. This will provide a brief discussion of the history of the various threshold terms.
History: This is a brief discussion of the history of lactate and lactate testing. It will include a bibliography of more comprehensive discussions of the history of lactate.
Theory: This is a detailed discussion of energy metabolism and the lactate threshold. It will lead to a model of exercise performance based on an energy metabolism model that accurately predicts performance.
Measuring: How does one test for lactate and the various thresholds. What are the different protocols and what are the factors that affect a result and how these must be controlled.
Training: This is broken down into two sections. The first is a brief discussion of training in general and how to train the "lactate threhsold" in particular. The second part discusses how to use the threshold to plan an athlete's training.
Blog: Finally, there is a blog that will discuss various question proposed and examines other sites on the internet that discuss the "lactate threshold."