Lactate Scout -
Accuracy |
In 2004 and 2005 the Australian
Institute of Sport tested the Lactate Scout versus the Lactate Pro.
The test strips for the Lactate Scout during the first test were
defective and the test was repeated again in 2005 with new strips. |
The defective strips caused
the Lactate Scout reading to be high relative to the Lactate Pro.
On the second test the Lactate Scout and Lactate Pro provided essentially
the same answer. |
Here is a comparison of the
Lactate Scout and the Lactate Pro readings. Each dot represents
an individual reading. The closer to the line, the closer are the
two readings. |
An analysis of the the Lactate
Scout and Lactate Pro by level of lactate reading. |
A study was done by Serge
von Duvillard of Texas A&M for the 2005 ACSM. Ten subjects completed
several stages on a cycle ergometer till exhaustion. Every 3 minutes
the power were increased by 30 watts. Seven of the 10 subjects completed
340 watts. Lactate readings were taken by the YSI and the Lactate
Scout. The correlation between the two analyzers was 99.3%. |
A comparison of the Lactate
Scout and EKF C-Line analyzer. |
CANINE BLOOD. L. Ferasin1, S.J. Dodkin2, A. Amodio2, J.K.
Murray2, K. Papasouliotis2. 1College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN, USA; and 2Department of
Clinical Veterinary Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol,
U.K. |
Abstract - The study was performed to evaluate the accuracy
of a portable analyser (Lactate Scout) in measuring canine blood
lactate concentrations. First, the effect of sample storage time
and temperature on plasma lactate concentrations was evaluated on
blood samples obtained from 6 dogs and stored at 48C and 208C. Plasma
lactate was measured with a spectrophotometric system (Kone lab)
30, 60, 120, and 240 min after blood collection. The obtained values
were compared with the lactate concentration measured immediately
after the blood collection. Statistical analysis revealed no significant
effects of storage time or temperature. The comparison of lactate
values obtained by the portable method with those obtained by the
reference analyser (Konelab) was performed on blood samples from
48 dogs. The correlation between methods was r 5 0.98 (sl 5 0.81;
int 5 0.20) The level of agreement (Bland Altman) was good for mean
concentrations lower than 5 mmol/L. At higher concentrations the
Scout analyser values were lower than those measured by the Konelab
method, although only 5 of the 48 samples analysed in this study
had a lactate result above this value. In summary the Lactate Scout
meter exhibits good comparability with the reference Konelab method
in the range 0-5 mmol/L. |
European Society of Veterinary Clinical
Pathology (ESVCP) Special Program - In conjunction with the European
College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Companion Animals (ECVIM-CA)
16th Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - September 14-16, 2006 |