Larry Everling, Marty Whalen, Walter Horn and Joe Mignatti
Rod Ryan and Harry Miller
Charlie Dolaway and John Kelly
Jerry Lombard, John Convey and Larry
Lou Wakefield and Jim McMonagle
John Osborne and Marty
Jim and Bill Fahy
Joe Sharpe, Harry Eustace and Joe Donahue
Joe, John and Connie Cunningham
John Convey, John Mahon and Harry
Terry, Nat D'Amico and Joe
Pete Keenan and George Dudzek
Where's Rudolph
John and John
We have a lot of John's in our class
Pete and George
Charley and Joe
Walter, Bill Regli and Bill
Happy New Year
Remember our 50th reunion June 6 and 7, 2008
No Excuses. Be There!!!