Somebody just said there's a party here tonight
but no one told me about it till now
No, just a few friends are coming over.
We orderd a couple pizzas from Voltaco's.
That's all.
Who are these people?
We are going to need more food.
Somebody down the street told us there was a
party here tonight for La Salle HS grads
Walter Horn and Joe Sharpe's wife Pat
have found the party
Jerry Cosgrove, Gee Ward, Gail Everling,
Lou DiMaria and his wife Carolyn
say what a great spot for a party
Gee and Larry Everling
Al Solecki with Carolyn and Lou
Gail talks with Dolores Ledwith
Joe Sharpe talks with Jim Delaney.
Jim is an honorary member of the class of 58
having been a good friend of many classmates
since grade school
Joe Donahue, Frank Sexton
and his wife Dottie
Carolina Donahue is behind Dottie.
Marty and his brother John.
John is a graduate of LaSalle HS, class of 56.
Rich Pesot who is a friend of Marty,
Gee, Gail and Jim McMonagle
Gee and Marty discuss which is best for fishing,
East or West Coast.
Morrie Ledwith and his mother Dolores
Marty and Bill Solvibile
who came up from Florida for party
Tom Donohue talks with Pat Solvibile
Joe Donahue with wife Carolina
and Dottie Sexton
Jim McMonagle, wife Mary and Mary Solecki
John Whalen , Gee and Jim
Marge Delaney, Dolores and Tom
Somebody is taking close ups
Close up of Morrie and Larry
Jeanne, Marge,
Stephanie Cosgrove and Gail
are plotting the next party
Joe, Wife Carolyn talk with Joe Sharpe
Jim says this food is alright
Bob Schmidt, Wayne Momyer's wife,
and Bob's wife Carolyn in pink blaser
Dave Muir and Mary Ledwith
Gee says the East Coast is all right.
Maybe I should come back more often.
Pat talks with Betty Jane
Betty Jane says this is not a bad party.
Who planned it?
Walter Horn, Pat and Joe Sharpe
Captains Charley and Marty
Lou, Tom greet Bill Solvibile
Bob, wife Carolyn and Wayne Momyer's wife
Dave, Carolyn, Tom and Charley
Walter and Larry
They have been friends since 4 years old
Marty, Gee and Morrie discuss
taking the boat through the Panama Canal
Larry, Charley, Marty,
Gee and Walter
Larry, Marty, Bill, Al
Tom, Jerry and Walter
Dottie, Mary, Al, Mary and Carolyn
Marty, Bill, Pat and Walter
Jerry and Marge who were 8th grade
classmates in Drexel Hill.
Jerry went to 6th and 7th grade with Marge's
husband, Jim, in West Oak Lane.
John's wife, Marry Ann Whalen and Dolores
Ready for some three on three!
Hey Brog, we need a fourth!
Betty Jane did not want
her picture taken. Too bad!
Terry Wochok arrived late with
his wife Judy.
He was in Colorado Springs working
with USA Hockey
Stephanie and Dottie saying goodbye
Last picture of the party.
Jim, Frank, Dottie, Terry and Judy say goodbye.
The photographers went home.
Was there a party here last night?
No, just a quiet night with a few friends