Jeannie Dolaway greets Boyd McIlvaine
and Joe Sharpe before the trip
Pate Keenan gets himself ready for the day
Tom Donohue catches the biggest fish
of the day. It was over 11 pounds.
Wayne Momyer was the resident expert
who did all the hard work.
Wayne is a good friend of Marty.
Pete Catches the first fish
Jerry Cosgrove cathces the second
of his life. The first was when he was
7 years old. It was 6 inches long
so he had to throw it back in.
He gave up fishing for basketball.
Larry Everling and
Dave Muir.
Lour DiMaria proudly wears his hat
from last year
Larry fights his fish in and
Wayne takes care of it
Dave getting psyched for fight
Tom Montague and Charlie land one.
Tom is Charlie's son in law.
Marty tells us about the big one he caught
Lou was very quiet for most of the day.
I know he was feeling better when
he smiled for the first time at about 1:30
The Odd Couple
Bird sitting on a sea turtle
10 miles out
First fish is weighed on Charlie's Boat
Selecting the biggest three
Lou enjoys a cold one after we got back in
Marty's wife, Betty Jane, prepares
the post trip refreshments
Joe takes a look for shore
Marty and Larry's wife, Gail
Dave Muir, Larry and Dave's wife, Janice
Our own private mermaid took care of all
the crew's needs during the fishing trip
The crew from Marty's boat along
with a member of the class of 57'
Charlie tells a fish story
Bill Regli had some excuse as to why he
couldn't make the fishing trip. Bill talks with
Gail Everling.
Tom Donohue and Bill Solvibile
Larry, Bill, Marty, Jim Delaney
Jerry, Bill, Dave (back), Bill
and Bill Solvibile's wife, Patricia
Charlie Dolaway hosted the
evening's cocktail party.
Pete Keenan had a good day on
Charlie's boat
Marge Delaney, Janice, Gail and Dolores Ledwith
Gail proposes a toast with Dolores
Betty Jane, with the Delaneys
Walt Horn is having a good time
Boyd McIlvaine expresses the mood
of the day
Joe Sharpe and Larry Everling
Bill is telling Charlie that he will definitely
make the fishing part next year
Bill and Dave have known each other
since first grade 60 years ago
Betty Jane says this is what Marty caught
Joe and Boyd are enjoying themselves
Betty Jane, Dolores Ledwith, Gail
and Pete
Bill with Charlie's wife, Jeannie
Marty, Dave, Bill, Bill, Pete and Tom
we got someone to take a good picture.
Standing Tom, Dave, Walter, Lou, Boyd, Marty, Charlie, Jerry, Bill
First row - Joe, Bill, Larry, Pete
Betty Jane, Janice, Gail and Dolores
Pete and Mary Ellen Keenan talk with a friend
smudged the camera lense a little.
Standing Tom, Walter, Pete, Larry, Marty, Bill, Jim Delaney (friend
of everybody), Charlie, Dave
Sitting - Joe, Boyd, Jerry, Lou, Bill