Old York Road CC Patio
And here are some of those boys from long ago and some of the girls too
Fred de Groot and Gee Ward.
Fred was Brother William
John Glaser and George Dudzek
Harry Miller and Tom Donohue and others
Bill DeMarco and Paul Aita
Brother Richard Kestler and Susan Richardson
Ray Christie and Jim McMonagle
Cathy Ward gets her camera ready
Jerry Lombard and Charley Conway
Betty Jane and Marty Whalen
Mike Sullivan talking with
Gail and Larry Everling
Fred de Groot and wife
Al and Mary Solecki with Terry Wochok
Carolyn Schmidt and Father Jim Kolb
John and Judith Fitzpatrick
Ray and Beverly Christie
Bill and Peggy Fahy
Raymond Shay, Mary Frances Kelly
and Dan McGowan
LSCHS Alumni office
Harry Eustace and wife Galina
Judith Fitzpatrick, Ed Solvibile, John Convey
Fred de Groot, John Glaser
and friend, LuAnn Lemek
Bob Schmidt, John and Connie
LuAnn Lemek and John Convey
Gee and Mike debating which
lives further away.
Both live in California.
Carolyn Schmidt and Peggy Schmitt
Ray and Jim
Ray won the contest for most
grand children, 14
Betty Jane Whalen and Janice Muir
Harry and Carolyn Di Maria
Galina Eustace and Carol Donahue
Christine Ryan and Marry Ellen Keenan
Marilyn Sullivan, Dan McGowan
Mike Sullivan
Cordelia Kelly and
Lou Wakefield's wife Bernadette
Gail Everling and Janice Muir
Janice and Dottie Ann Sexton
Joe and Pat Sharpe
Marty and Betty Jane
John and Judith Fitzpatrick
Harry, Fred de Groot and Bill Feeny
Gee, Mary McMonagle, Galina Eustace,
Anita Dudzek with Jim,
Frank and Harry in back.
Joe and Carol Donahue with Chaley Conway
Joanne Regli, Christine Ryan
and Marry Ellen Keenan
John Simone, Gee Ward
and Dottie Ann Sexton
Lou Wakefield and Father Jim
LuAnn Lemek and John Convey
Ted and Ray with Ted's wife Myra
Joe and Margi Mignatti
and Charley Dolaway
Mary Ellen and Pete Keenan with
Terry Wochok and John McMahon
Lou and Carolyn Di Maria,
Harry Miller, Mary Solecki
Judy Wochok and Suzanne Miller
Jeanne Dolaway, Dave Muir
and Tom and Ginny Lynch
Two guys discussing a future meeting
in the middle of the
Panama Canal
Brother Richard talks about LaSalle today
I think I missed a couple people
Several of the wives
Marilyn Sullivan and Mary McMonagle facing
Betty Jane Whalen and Jim McMonagle
A shot of the patio from the lawn
People who have not seen each other in years
Fred de Groot and wife and Mary McMonagle
John McMahon and Bill DeMarco
John Kelly and Lou Wakefield
Bob Schmidt in background
Brother Richard with
Susan and John Richardson
Lou Wakefielkd, John Kelly
and Bill Strobel
Dan McGowan, Bob and John
Brother Richard, Mary Frances Kelly
and Dan
Joe Donahue gets a reward
for all his help
Joe Mignatti gets a T shirt
Harry expresses his thanks
for all the work
Dave Muir and Dottie Ann Sexton
Ray and Jim pose
for a picture
Fred de Groot, known to us as Brother William
and members of his homeroom, 1F
Joe Dohahue, Bob Wilkin, Jerry Cosgrove,
Harry Eustace, Bill Regli, Gee Ward,
Jerry Lombard, John Convey, Jim McMonagle,
John Kelly, Bob Schmidt and John Richardson
How do you get 50 guys to all sit still at once?
You don't. So a couple guys in the back got blocked out.
Front row: Larry Everling, Ray Christie, Bill Fahy, Al Solecki, Frank Sexton,Mike Sullivan,
Terry Wochok, Bill Solvibile, Jim Brett, Joe Sharpe
Second Row: Fred de Groot (aka Brother William), Charlie Dolaway, Walter Horn, Pete Keenan, Rod Ryan,
Paul Aita, Bill Strobel, George Ward, John Schmitt, John Simone, Jerry Lombard, Tom Lynch,
Marty Whalen, Charles Conway, Joe Mignatti, John Richardson, Tom Donohue, Joe Donahue
Back: Dave Muir, John Kelly, Harry Eustace, Connie Cunningham, Bob Wilkin, Bill Regli,
John Fitzpatrick, John Glaser, Jim Kolb, Jim McMonagle, Harry Miller, Ted Baltra, Jerry Cosgrove,
John Convey, Lou Wakefield, Bill DeMarco, John Osborne, Lou Di Maria, John McMahon,
George Dudzek and Bob Schmidt
Another attempt
A third attempt. Some got cut off on the right. There were a lot of pictures taken
but only a few
were sent to me.
Hear that all of you who have photos and have not sent them in.
Dinner Old York Road CC
6:30 Friday Evening
June 6th, 2008